- 1.a return to a former or less developed state.
Many people say that when you face all your problems now, you will no longer have problems in the future. Many people think that a sad soul will always lead to a sad life. But does any of us notice that, we would be so happy in a number of days, but after that, we'd be extremely sad. It's like, the amount of happiness that we felt was equal to the amount of pain that we will feel. Somehow, life always finds a way to balance things. God finds a way to balance things.

Imagine that your life is a roller coaster ride that only goes up. Yeah it is exciting, but it won't be exciting for long. Imagine your life is a roller coaster ride that only goes down. Scary, exciting, but don't you want to go up sometimes? So when you think that life is unfair, that life is shit, that life is happiness, think again.
If you know what regression means (see definition above), then you probably know what I'm talking about. Life can't be all good or all bad. Like ying and yang, how it show's equality between positive or negative. Life always finds a way to go back to the middle. Everything is equal. So you can't just say that life is unfair. Life is fair, you're just not open to facing your problems.

I didn't take this from juju stuff. Or superstition thingys. I got this thought just by staring at the wall for a looong time. So everyday, live your life like you're expecting it to be "the best day" of your life or "The worst day" of your. Expect problems and expect rewards.