My classmates that I commented on:
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
15 - Food Wins!
Have you ever been in a relationship but in the long run, it did not work out? Have you ever been in a relationship where you get so irritated with your girlfriend or boyfriend you just burst out and fight? But have you ever been in a relationship where the love of your life cheats on you?
Painful right? As you can see…as an individual who has witnessed the pains that love has caused, I now tell my self that FOOD IS BETTER THAN LOVE. Why is food better than love.

You can look at food porn without having to keep them from people or searching on your incognito bar.
You can’t eat half of your partner then put him or her in a box and keep it in the fridge because you’re saving him or her for later when you want more.
Food won’t give you std’s
Food will never ever complain about you not calling him or her or not texting him or her.
Bacon, because who feels hate when you eat bacon?
Food won’t judge you. If you’re feeling a little down and there’s a bag of lays or a tub of ice cream calling you waiting for it to be consumed by you, they won’t tell you that you cant eat a chip or a spoon because you’ll get fat or its gross.

Food never ever breaks your hard. No matter how bad your food is, food will never break your heart
AND lastly food will never ever make you wait for forever. It’ll only take you 30 mins to 4 hours to wait for food. Unlike people, it takes forever for them to come back to you.
So if you want your heart broken, go ahead, love someone for a short time, hurt them, leave them. But fill never ever hurt you. Love food because food loves you.
14 - My favorite band
"5 Seconds of Summer"
So from reading my blogs, now you know my favorite book, animal, and food. Now I'm gonna tell you my favorite band, the loves of my life next to pizza. Yes, the LOVES of my life.
See how perfect they are. I'm gonna spare you the info about their life and stuff and I'm gonna focus on their work and their hotness. So the one from the left, his name is Calum Hood. He's kiwi by the way and he is the bassist of the band, he is also their vocalist (very hot vocals). The next one is Luke Hemmings, he's their main vocalist but all of their voices are equally perfect. He also plays the guitar, both acoustic and electric. Next to him is Michael Clifford, and he's their guitarist, their main guitarist. he also writes some of their songs. Well, all of them do haha. He can finger those guitars really well. Last but not the least, Ashton Irwin. He plays the drums, does the back up vocals and sometimes do the singing as well.
They are a rock band from Australia (Aussie power) Their career sky rocketed on 2012, where they released their first ever EP entitled "Somewhere New" which contained my favorite songs like "Beside You", "Unpredictable", and "Out of My Limit". Since the start I have been watching them, from radio guestings, TV appearances, and their YouTube channel. I have seen other fans tweet, blog, and post about them on social media. That was the time that made me realize that fans are their artists backbones for fame. But they're still hot. Very hot.
I know that you've heard of "She Looks So Perfect" and "Amnesia" and "Good Girls". They always play that in the radio. Which also caused them to become more popular. This year, they're gonna be releasing their newest album "She Sounds So Good" and I am EXCITED!!!
All in all, 5 Seconds of Summer will always be in my heart. ♥I know that you've heard of "She Looks So Perfect" and "Amnesia" and "Good Girls". They always play that in the radio. Which also caused them to become more popular. This year, they're gonna be releasing their newest album "She Sounds So Good" and I am EXCITED!!!
13 - Entertainment Speech
What you'll be reading is my eulogy for Gio who stars as Juanito who is also my boyfriend who died because of different causes haha. ENJOY!

I remember when we had our first fight. It only took three minutes to make everything okay.. We know everything about each other that is why we always come back to each other when we sometimes drift apart. I would always remember this times because it really made me feel that whatever thing I or him wmight do, we will still find a route to each other.
Remember the days when we compared our love to the past loves we’ve been? I clearly remember that I did not love any man the way I loved you. And I still remember that you told me I was your one great love. The one that made you feel home without even touching the tip of your fingers. And I love that. I love you made me feel that. At least, I can tell myself, once in my life, I had this man that made me believe in forever. You changed my perception in a lot of things.

Juanito, I feel hell right now. Because I wasn’t able to explore
every chambers in you. But whatever happens, you are forever in my heart. You took a piece of me that I didn’t regret.
To tell you, I ain’t prepared. I’m not ready yet. I don’t want to let go. I don’t want to say goodbye, but I have to. Because if I don’t, I will never move on and I’ll never know if there’s someone willing to drown in me the same way I drowned in you
12 - Pizza
I honestly don't know what to blog about at first. lol. But an image that flashed in my mind caught my attention. It made me stop. It made me stare blankly. I slowly put the pieces of that image in my head. Alas it was the image of my one true love. PIZZA. If you aske me "on the scale of 1-10, how much do you love pizza?" I might slap you because my answer is not withing your scale or range. But after that, I'd answer, I'd trade the universe for pizza. If that does not prove my love for pizza, be prepared.
Way back in the year of 2008, where I already had a mind sufficient to know what's right and wrong, what's good and what's not, my sister who studied back at our province, came to visit us. As I was playing while watching TV (I'm a multi-tasker back in the days, but somehow it wore off when i need it the most), my dad came through the door and I was expecting to see my big sister (who can sometimes be the bane of my existence), but as my sister walked through the door, she had a box on her hands. She carefully pplace it on the table and saw heaven. The hot, soft, yummy crust, the oozing, melted, stringy cheese, and the delicious pepperonis said hello to me, My eyes saw what paradise looked like, and i carefully cradled a slice in my hands. Examining every it of beauty that slice contained, it caught me in awe. As i take my first bite, My eyes just closed in response to the deliciousness of the pizza. I smiled and devoured yet cherished that slice of pizza.
Monday, August 17, 2015
11 - APC's Anti-Smoking Campaign
"Are you a smoker or not?"
I honestly do not know why people, specially smokers, love to smoke. I mean, why smoke? Is being unable to breathe the greatest feeling in the world? Is filling up your lungs with smoke a good feeling? No right? Well not being able to breathe sucks.The smell of a cigarette smoke is just, unexplainably horrible. When I come near people who smoke, they just smell horrendous. I'm not a smoker, obviously. I even pledge on my opwn life to never ever smoke a cigarette. This some how takes me back to the movie which was originally a book that I love, The Fault in Our Stars.
If you ask me, "Is smoking harmful?". YES it is harmful, and YES it can harm others who do not smoke. If i can go back to my old school and show you the poster of a human, half of its body is the male and the other half is a female, you can see what smoke can do to your body parts and organs. Smoking also causes cancer. So I say, NO TO SMOKING. I also say NO TO SECOND HAND SMOKING. I'm glad that APC has an Anti-Smoking Campaign. If it wasn't for this campaign, the hallways would be reeking with smoke. If smoking is stopped all over the world, the risk of lung cancer will decrease. that would be the best progress the world could ever make, right?
Although, vaping has been "a thing" now a days. Specially for teens. I have friends from New York and Canada who are only 14-16 years old, and they vape. They told me there were no drugs. I see students outside the campus, right in front the entrance and the exit, vaping and smoking, and I can see that they bond through vaping. They even share their vape pens. I don't know why but I like the smell of vape pens. I've been wanting to try and vape. I'm not desperate though, I just wanna try. Of course I'll try the ones with no drugs in it. Yet I'm still against smoking, cigarette smoking in particular.
Let's save the people from lung cancer and let us not smoke. :)
10- Service above Self
"Bayan o Sarili?"
That was the question that caught my attention during last week's seminar on "Bayani ba to?". Last week they also showed us a trailer on the new movie "Heneral Luna" comig out on September 9. The producers were there and all that. Everything that was taught there, from the stories of our heroes (mostly Jose Rizal) to the questions that we students also asked, I can't describe it in any other words rather than the word "COOL".
I thought that this seminar would be boring, telling us to honor our country, buy stuff from our country, help the Philippines with its economy. I was thinking of not going at first. BUT NO. I'm sure glad I did. This seminar wasn't an ordinary "Jose Rizal was born blah blah blah" but it made me laugh and it amazed me at the same time. The panel where the director was there and John Arcilla (I was also hoping for Paulo Avellino, but it's okay) and they made me realize how our generation have been a disgrace to our country. Jose Rizal did not die in the middle of a field, talking about how "Our childern are the future" just so we could all waste time on watching nonsense videos, consuming our time in video games. Right now, if he was looking down at us, he'd be doing this:
That was the question that caught my attention during last week's seminar on "Bayani ba to?". Last week they also showed us a trailer on the new movie "Heneral Luna" comig out on September 9. The producers were there and all that. Everything that was taught there, from the stories of our heroes (mostly Jose Rizal) to the questions that we students also asked, I can't describe it in any other words rather than the word "COOL".
I thought that this seminar would be boring, telling us to honor our country, buy stuff from our country, help the Philippines with its economy. I was thinking of not going at first. BUT NO. I'm sure glad I did. This seminar wasn't an ordinary "Jose Rizal was born blah blah blah" but it made me laugh and it amazed me at the same time. The panel where the director was there and John Arcilla (I was also hoping for Paulo Avellino, but it's okay) and they made me realize how our generation have been a disgrace to our country. Jose Rizal did not die in the middle of a field, talking about how "Our childern are the future" just so we could all waste time on watching nonsense videos, consuming our time in video games. Right now, if he was looking down at us, he'd be doing this:
All of that all goes down to the word "ALTRUISM". What is altruism? Well, altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures and a core aspect of various religious traditions and secular worldviews, though the concept of "others" toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures or religions. In short, SERVICE ABOVE SELF. Ever Since I was in high school, altruism has been practiced. In our English class, our english teacher required us to write about altruism, our country and our love for our country. This was the only seminar, out of all the seminars I attended, this was the only seminar that encouraged me to serve our country and honor our heroes.
Monday, August 3, 2015
9 - SoCSIT Week
"SoCSIT Week"
On Thursday, well, we had this "Metro Manila Shake Drill" and we walked far far away from our school since APC was a heck of a tall building. After that there was a Sushi eating contest. I wanted to join. Trust me a wanted to. I just finished eating lunch and I was full, then they called out for contestants and there was a prize. I'd join for the free sushi, not for the prize though. Unfortunately I couldn't because I was full and it was my mom's birthday on that day. (Happy birthday Mom :D). It was also "Mr. and Ms. SoCSIT contest", a pageant of the most "beautiful" and the most "handsome" fellows in our society, the (SoCSIT society). Oh and it was also the day for our boys in our block who played basketball against the upper classmen in the SoCSIT society. They lost but at least they had fun.
Friday night was the most awaited night among the other nights that fell under SoCSIT week. I was excited and all, I faced the long long line at the MRT station just to get to school on a Friday night. When I arrived, I heard bands playing and people dancing. From the outisde, I honestly thought "Wow, this party is packed. This is gonna be a fun night", but when I got in, it was quiet, bands were playing, people were mostly sitting down, talking, doing nothing. It wasn't that fun but, it was okay. Kudos to the JPCS officers. They had a successful SoCSIT week. I hope next year they do throw the best party among the other schools in APC.
Over all, it was a fun week or "days". I just hope that next year, it would be more fun. :)
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